Zinc supplements can help balance the body's supply of this important mineral that may be lacking in the diet. However, a stand alone product is probably not the best choice. Rather, a more comprehensive supplement with other minerals as well as vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients will offer more health benefits than zinc on its own.
The reason that zinc is so important is that it is a component of over 200 enzymes in the body and is present in every body cell. The red and white blood cells contain high levels of zinc as do our bones, pancreas, kidneys, liver and retina. There are also high concentrations in the male prostate gland as well. Essentially, every human cell must have zinc in order to divide and reproduce itself as the body regenerates. If you don't eat enough zinc foods, then supplementation may be necessary to provide the amount the body needs to perform essential functions.
Zinc is important for so many reasons but one of the most important reasons is that it is necessary for the pancreas to make insulin and maintain normal blood glucose levels. It is also important for a good memory and concentration. Zinc supplements have actually been known to help students improve grades.
Deficiency can occur as a result of not eating enough zinc rich foods, taking certain medications and even some minerals. It can lead to diarrhea, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue, infertility in both men and women, loss of taste or smell and impaired platelet aggregation. It can also lower our resistance to infection, reduce appetite, causes attention deficit disorder, poor memory, slowed growth in children and diminished wound healing. It has been associated with bone loss and osteoporosis, delayed puberty, nerve cell dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease and even ringing in the ears. If not getting enough can do all this, what might happen if we started to consistently take zinc supplements with it$%:
The benefits of adding those wonderful zinc foods to the diet as well as supplements, has been found to boost immune function, improve the absorption of calcium, lower blood sugar levels, improve brain function, restore night vision, and increase sperm count. It has also been found to help anorexics gain weight and improve the health of children with sickle cell disease. Zinc supplements have been found to prevent childhood infections and diarrhea as well as to support normal growth and development.
No matter how healthy your diet is, no matter how many zinc rich foods you eat on a daily basis, if you are taking pharmaceutical medications regularly you might need to add supplements. Many modern prescription drugs deplete the zinc stores in the body. Women who take the pill or are on hormone replacement therapy are at risk of zinc deficiency, so too are diabetics, epileptics and heart patients. Even supplementing with calcium and magnesium can interfere with the body's absorption of zinc. While it is important not to take zinc supplements at the same time as you take calcium and magnesium, they must be included in the diet to protect against deficiency.
Before you take any supplements make sure you check with your physician first. He or she will help you decide if a zinc product is right for you.